YKK TRIP Experience for BNSD Fashion students

On the 30 October, 2015, The Year 1 students went to YKK Factory in Cimanggis.
Unexpectedly, the trip was so fun and all students enjoyed the trip.
We arrived in 8 in the morning and had several explanation from the staff on the YKK Company and the products.
On this trip, students got an experience and knowledge on types of zippers and its usage, the history of zipper, as well as the mechanism of zipper, why it can build an interlock system. The trip also enable us to see production of zipper, starting from making the zipper until the dyeing process.
At the end of the workshop, YKK taught us to make a wallet made out of zipper.
Throughout the trip, we felt really entertained
as the company are very well organized and the most important thing is students can learn and play at the same time.