Marvel Creative Day Out

Binus International and Binus Northumbria in collaboration with The Walt Disney Company (South East Asia) presented the Marvel Creative Day Out on Thursday 7th of April, 10 AM – 4 PM at Auditorium Binus Northumbria, FX Lifestyle Center 6th floor, Sudirman.
During the event, there was an open discussion session with Disney and several Indonesian Marvel Artists, and a Marvel art exhibition. The Indonesian Marvel Comic artists present were Rhoald Marcellius, Ario Anindito, Alti Firmansyah, and Jessica Kholline.
The Deputy of Infrastructure of Creative Economy Agency (Badan Ekonomi Kreatif) Hari Sungkari also attended the event and even delivered the opening remarks.
Message for you guys who want to be professional comic artist from Indonesian Marvel Artist @arioanin at #marvelcreativedayout “Practice hard, and nothing is impossible”
Indonesian Marvel Comic Artists Rhoald Marcellius and Alti Firmansyah did a live drawing at #marvelcreativedayout
Live drawing session
Talks and interviews