The “5th UNESCO-APEID Meeting on Entrepreneurship Education”

BINUS UNIVERSITY was selected as a host for the “5th UNESCO-APEID Meeting on Entrepreneurship Education”. The event will be held for four days in two cities – Jakarta and Bandung.
“Transforming Entrepreneurs From Job Seekers to Job Givers” is the main title of this event. The title is in line with BINA NUSANTARA Group’s mission – Pursuing a positive contribution to the quality of life and Leading corporate entrepreneurship.
The “5th UNESCO-APEID Meeting on Entrepreneurship Education” will be held on:
Day/Date: Monday/September 26th, 2016
Time: 09:00 AM – 07:30 PM
Venue: BINUS UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL, “The Joseph Wibowo Centre” Campus, Jl. Hang Lekir I No. 6. Senayan – Jakarta 10270