Concept Art and Artist Seminar by Chris Lie

Chris Lie

We all love our favorite fiction works. Think Avengers, Doctor Strange, Star Wars. These works steal our attention with their realistic fantasy environment and stories, memorable characters, fancy technology, all presented in a whole package through rich visuals that makes us keep wanting more, and more, and more!

But who is/are behind the creation of all the things we know and love? And how do they work especially in shaping all things that builds up a good movie, video games, comic books, and many more? The answer is: the concept artist.

Little is known about concept art, concept artists, and what they do especially in Indonesia. This seminar, brought by Chris Lie (founder and director of Caravan Studio, director of Re:On Comics) is covering the topic surrounding concept art and artists. The seminar is open for public and free of charge. However, as seats are limited, please RSVP beforehand to:



See you in the event!

Michelle Elise Lapian