Opening Speech by the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of Indonesia

Celebrating the 40 years of contributions to Indonesia, BINUS University held the Dies Natalis 40 Years of BINUS University with the theme “Empowering Society, Building the Nation” on Thursday, 1 July 2021. Nadiem Makarim, the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of Indonesia, delivered his opening speech during this ceremony.
In his opening speech, Nadiem explained the importance of Indonesian higher education institutions’ participation in supporting the Kampus Merdeka and Merdeka Belajar programs. BINUS University has been actively participating in supporting these programs designed to develop knowledge, build characters, and create an excellent future.
“I’m confident that everyone here will support the Kampus Merdeka 2021 program because BINUS has already been one of 7 pilot project universities for Kampus Merdeka program last year,” Nadiem said.